Monday, December 26, 2011

Rodney's Rabbit

Rodney's Rabbit- 3rd Year Sheridan College Action Analysis Project from Lisa Lanese on Vimeo.

This is my final project before the end of semester one! I worked over 100 hours on this project and I was extremely excited to see the result! This is the first finished animated piece I've made, and I can't wait to make more. I painted the background on Photoshop CS5.5 and animated the character traditionally and cleaned it up on Flipbook and Photoshop. I put the video together on After Effects:)
Creating this was so much fun, while doing this I realized why I'm studying animation, because bringing drawings to life is probably the best career a person can have. :D

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Drawn from Life

Hi again! It's been a long time since my last post mainly because I've been extremely busy finishing up some end of semester projects. I've been doing a lot of lifedrawing over the semester so I thought I would post all my favourite drawings from the last few months:) They are all done in a variety of media (I like exploring new things) such as pastel, conte, pen and ink, copic marker and ink wash. I've also finished a ten second animated scene which I will be posting  very soon! Stay tuned and enjoy!